Recumbent Bike Reviews – The Best Recumbent Exercise Bike

best recumbent bikeRecumbent exercise bikes have fast become a major part of home fitness today.  In recent years the number of people considering using the best recumbent bikes has soared.  As the numbers of people interested in professional cycling and general fitness rise, home gym equipment has become more affordable and easy to use. Let me help you find the best recumbent bike using these recumbent bike reviews.

People want easy gym equipment they can use recumbent bikes are certainly very simple to use, similar to these best adjustable dumbbells.  They do not require a lot of skill or time to set up and use either.  What is more, they are the perfect beginner tool especially for those who are interesting in cycling.  The strain is very little but they do offer power and the chance to improve on your fitness.

Best Recumbent Bike

We looked at all the options and have picked these three as the best exercise recumbent bikes based on the quality, features, brand reputation and real customer reviews.

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Recumbent Bike Reviews

Woman using a recumbent bike

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Recumbent exercise bikes are some of the most popular workout tools of today however they are exceptional items to use.  You can easily workout from home without the fuss of dealing with bulky gym equipment.  What is more, you are in the comfort of your very own home which is a great advantage of choosing a stationary bicycle. However, which are the top 5 to choose from?

Diamondback Fitness 510Sr

The Diamondback Fitness 510Sr is certainly one of the more expensive bicycles to purchase today.  This does look quite big but it is surprisingly light and easy to move around from one room to another.  The unit does come with at least twenty different programs which are great especially when it comes to starting from a beginner and working your way up to an advanced cyclist.  This is a great feature of this machine.

The Diamondback also comes with a fantastic LCD display unit but it offers real time information.  You do have the ability to choose a program within a few seconds and there is a MP3 connection which allows you to listen to music while working out.  The seat is sculptured to offer a comfy sitting position and a great advantage to the unit is that it’s quite impressive for experienced users.  The only real negative point to this has to be its price – it’s going to be around seven hundred dollars.  This is quite expensive but it might not be such a big problem if the cash isn’t a worry for you.

Schwinn 270

The Schwinn 270 looks big but actually it’s not as big as what you might expect it to be once you get this set up in your home.  However, the unit does come with a lot of lovely features including the thirty different workout programs.  You are also able to get progress tracking which means that you can easily track the distances you cover each time you use the machine as well as track the amount of calories you burn off also.

There are some fantastic points to this such as the endless programs and the resistance levels too that can be changed.  However, there are also one or two negative points; this can be best for professional cyclists and the costs are a little expensive at over four hundred dollars.  These points can actually be good points if money isn’t an issue and to be honest, the bicycle is a great home gym tool to use.

The Horizon Fitness RC-30

This Horizon machine is absolutely great in offering low impact exercises from the very comfort of your own home.  These units aren’t just good because they look nice but also because there are many different resistance levels.  Users have eight different level resistance settings which allow users to set their own resistance levels from start to finish.  Users also get a flywheel.

Some great plus points to this unit has to be the eight workout programs and the LCD display.  The display allows users to take note of exact amount of calories they work off as well as the distances covered too.  The frame is also sturdy and strong.  However, to the negative points, there doesn’t seem much, if you aren’t looking for an expensive machine then the five hundred dollar plus price isn’t great.  Apart from this negative point, there doesn’t seem to be many negative features.

The Marcy Recumbent Mag Cycle

This unit is actually one of the better options to consider especially if users are on a tight or small budget.  One of the highlight features of this unit has to be the price which doesn’t even reach two hundred dollars – that alone is worth so much.  However, you are still getting lots of amazing features including the eight different resistance levels.  Users have adjustable pedals and foot straps.

The unit has a great and large display which allows users to track the amount of calories burned, the distance covered, the time taken and the speed in which user’s cycle also.  A great feature of this has to be the fact that the balance from this is exceptional.  Users can easily keep their balance as well as the unit being sturdy as you mount it.

The Exerpeutic 400 XL Folding

This is a fantastic little bicycle.  One of the best and highlight features of the machine has to be the fact that it can be folded.  This folding feature is amazing because if users are stuck for space then this can be easily stored away when it is not in use.  The price is around $190 but that is one of the cheapest available today and it isn’t too big.  This is quite small but it can still hold a lot of weight and it is sturdy.

The unit comes with a double drive V belt transmission and comes with a flywheel as well.  The LCD display is really quite simple to use and shows your speed, the amount of calories burned, the distance covered and even your heart rate.  There doesn’t seem to be many negative points to this, and maybe the only bad point might be the smaller frame which holds less weight.

Choosing the Very Best Recumbent Exercise Bikes

The above five are some of the very best bicycles available for you to choose today.  However, there are many options but these five are great and they all offer something unique and different from one another.  The machines are certainly impressive and they are quite cost effective but can help to offer users a lot of quality and professionalism.

Hopefully you have a great idea as to what you are looking for as your next purchase.  Now, you can go out and purchase one but ensure that you are getting the very best for your money.  You don’t want to get anything other than the best for your money and for your fitness.  Each of the above five is great machines and if you are considering purchasing one, ensure you get what’s right for you.

What Is A Recumbent Exercise Bike?

A recumbent exercise bike is very much like a normal bicycle with the exception that the user sits in a laid back position rather than an upright position.  When you use this piece of equipment, it is almost like sitting in a reclined position which is a lot more comfortable than the usual exercise equipment.  This is more ergonomic because users can feel comfortable rather than constantly sitting in an upright position where they may feel uncomfortable or in some pain.

The Advantages of These Stationary Bicycles

When you use these bicycles, you are going to find that the seat is much bigger than the usual upright pieces.  This feature ensures that you are going to be able to feel a lot more comfortable whilst sitting and whilst cycling also.  Your weight is evenly distributed due to the bigger sized seat and there is even a back rest attached to the seat which helps to offer back support.  Instead of the usual upright seat, the seat is more comfortable taking away the discomfort from the joints f the feet, arms and legs.

The forward leg position helps to ensure you still get the right amount of exercise without feeling restricted or hunched forward.  However, you able to get a lot more safety and ensures that you don’t easily lose balance while getting on or off.

How Is This Machine Different?

The overall length of the actual bicycle frame is longer, much longer than traditional frames.  The frame itself can be longer in the front where the pedals are because of the reclining position.  The cost for these can be a little more than traditional gym equipment however they aren’t too costly either, they are very affordable.

There is little stress on the arms and back as you are in a recline or laid back position rather than the forward hunched position.  The seat can be adjusted for your height and comfort as can the pedals.

How Do You Use This Machine?

It is very simple to use this machine because it’s stationary which means that it doesn’t move in any way while you’re climbing onto the machine.  You can easily hop on or off without compromising your balance.  The machine isn’t too weighty but not too light either, you do get a good balance to this which ensures that you can feel very comfortable and safe while using the machine.

You sit back in the seat and put your legs on the pedals and start pedalling.  It’s really easy and it’s not too hard because of the adjustable seating and pedal features.

Why Do You Need This Machine?

Cycling outdoors isn’t for everyone especially if you don’t like to cycle in front of others.  However, if you want to get into shape and maybe one day get into professional cycling, the recumbent exercise bike is certainly one of the very best options to consider.  This is a stationary bike but one in which you can get a lot of exercise from and you can get into shape.  You can even get more comfort when using this which can be so important.  You’re still working out but in a more comfortable position.

Different Types of Stationary Exercise Bikes to Choose

There are many different types of equipment to choose from including the Pro-Form 425 ZLX.  This option does look very bulky with a large front display panel and back safety bars.  However, it does look to be very professional as it comes with almost eighteen different program settings available which are good because you can be a beginner and work your way through each at your own pace.  The only real drawback to this is that there are no adjustable handlebars but this isn’t a problem for everyone.

The Kettler Axos R is another great machine to consider.  This looks just gorgeous and it has such a professional feel to it even though it’s suitable for beginners.  It looks fantastic and it comes with eight different programs to test yourself as well as a heart rate monitor feature which is great.  This is stylish and you can store data so that you can see your progress as you use the machine.  The only problem that may arise is the cost, as this can cost over $400 however if price isn’t a factor then you don’t have to worry.

The York Perform 215 looks very appealing and smart.  The machine comes with a LCD display which is really simple to use and there is a heart rate monitor feature as well.  There are almost twenty different programs to choose from and the seat is padded and can be adjusted to suit your needs.  This is a flywheel design can be moved from one room to another.  A drawback to this would maybe be the price, depending on where you shop; this can cost you anything up to $600.

The Schwinn 270i looks nice and offers advanced progress tracking which is going to be a great feature for those who are turning professional.  This is definitely for a user who will use this frequently and not just once or twice.  This machine comes with a padded seat for comfort and there is an integrated three speed fan as well which helps to keep you cool during your workout.

The Nordic Track GXR 42 is quite appealing.  It looks very powerful and with the twenty four pre installed programs, this is certainly not for the faint hearted.  This might not be for the occasional user however and certainly with the large price tag, it would be an expensive one time used machine.  However, you do get a lot of quality for your money including the fact that it comes with a heart rate monitoring feature and different calorie programs as well.

Tips for You to Consider When Buying

The first real thing you need to consider when purchasing a new exercise bike has to be the price.  It doesn’t matter whether you have a few hundred dollars or thousands of dollars, the price is important.  Sometimes, it is best to have a budget set out so that you are able to get a good bike but not one which isn’t affordable.  Think about whether you actually want to pay extra for the additional features such as fancy LCD displays and hundreds of pre installed programs.

Next, you must consider how much space you have available to you.  There is no point in choosing a machine that is too big for your home because you probably want something which can be easily stored away when you’re not using it.  Also, if you have a smaller home then you don’t want an item which is too big to move from one room to another or one which is impossible to use comfortably without hitting furniture in your room.

Additional Factors You Must Consider

Sometimes, certain manufacturers have weight limits on their machines which are very important to know before purchasing any unit.  There is no point in choosing a machine that isn’t able to hold your weight.  That isn’t a cheeky remark, its important because if you are over a certain weight and the item you’re considering choosing isn’t able to hold your weight, then it could be a waste of your time and money.

Also, you must think about what functions you wish to have.  There can be models which offer dozens of different functions, some basic, some advanced and it’s important to understand what you need and want.  You don’t need to pay for functions you don’t use so it may be important to check out all features on the machine you’re considering before you buy.

A very important point you must consider has to be the overall ease of use of the machine.  You absolutely do not want a machine that is difficult to set up or use, it must be simple.  This means the programs available need to be good for beginners to help you start and progress successfully as well.  The design of the unit must be sturdy and stable because that is important for you.  You don’t want to hurt yourself in any way so you must ensure that you are getting a sturdy machine.

You’re Almost Done

Now you know more information about a recumbent exercise bike, it’s now time for you to take the next step and make a purchase.  You have lots of amazing options and hopefully you feel confident about these bicycles for you to start cycling!  Enjoy your bicycle and remember to choose the very best for you.


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